Cinchy Mules
Take a Fresh Start
Practicing Awareness
Stick to the Process
Forward Motion Problems
Take Care of Your Mulemanship and Your Mule Will Take Care of YOU!
Methods and Processes
Teaching Youngsters to Lead
Controlling Emotions
Today is My Day of Opportunity
Standing Still to Mount
Start at the Beginning
Using the Checklist
Keep your End-Goal in Mind
Pawing in the Trailer
The Good Frame of Mind
A Colts First Trail Ride Experience
The Mulemanship Lifestyle
Don’t Let Your Mule Rush You
Stuff to do when time is short
Broke to Lead?
Mule Tip Tuesday 12/22/20
Prepare your mule to be a winner! What to do when your mule doesn’t want to lead to the barn. Colt Starting question about transitions on the first ride, why do we walk-trot-lope on the first ride? This episode brought to you by Mules & More Magazine.